My Story

First test batch


How it started

A beer that's 100% my own thing.
Could I ever brew that myself?
I was asking myself that question for a while.
So I took a course in homebrewing and brewed my first test batches per 25 litres in my kitchen.
The answer to my question turned out not to be that simple, but from the 5th test batch onwards a first big step in the right direction was taken...that beer was surprisingly tasteful!

Journey to South America


The big decision

During a trip through South America I decided to take the step from homebrewer to microbrewer.
I was also very fascinated by the hummingbirds I encountered everywhere.
In South America a hummingbird is called “Picaflor”.
Immediately I knew that this would be the name of my first beer!
A cool name for a cool bird, which will always be a beautiful reminder of this life-changing journey!

The microbrewery under construction


Intensive preparations

63 test bathes later - testing malt, hops, yeast and herbs from all over the world - I came to the conclusion that the beers that are 100% my taste mainly consist of Belgian ingredients.
From then on I only brew with 100% Belgian malt, hops and yeast.
In the meantime, I obtained the diploma Microbrewer, arranged the necessary permits and installed the microbrewery.

Opening microbrewery during the Big Jump

July 2019

A new beginning

On 14/07/2019 the big day had arrived: the microbrewery was introduced and many could taste Pikaflor for the first time.
Soon the 2nd beer Pikahop followed in October.
In November, the Pikaflor Fresh Hop Harvest was also ready to drink.

Experiment to your heart’s content

2020 – ...

The future

A brown beer (with honey?) and a sour beer (according to the ``Kettle Sour`` process) will this year be available.
I will start experimenting soon with sherry casks from Jerez de la Frontera.